Employee Engagement Survey
Get insights on how involved and engaged employees feel working with you.
What is an Employee Engagement Survey?
An employee engagement survey, or staff engagement survey, is an employer’s arsenal to determine their employees’ dedication towards their company. It gives insights into the emotional aspect of an employee’s engagement in their work. Whether an employee is working under financial pressure or enjoying their job while ensuring their own enhanced well-being - an engagement survey reveals the truth.
A questionnaire on employee engagement can help you answer these questions about your employees:
- How happy are they while working in your organization with their co-workers?
- How do they feel by the treatment their colleagues and HR’s give them?
- Are they emotionally committed to the growth and profit of the organization?
- Do they treat the company as their own and contribute the best of their skills for its betterment?
- Are they satisfied with the basic amenities, incentives, and the work environment?
All these questions together help you understand how you can improve workforce engagement at your organization, if needed.
Why Employee Engagement Surveys Matter?
A great workforce survey can help you cherish candidates who work in the same way and reward them for their dedication. It also finds ways to fill in the gaps between employees and the organization. Engagement surveys can help you spot these four types of employees in your company:
Emotionally engaged, attached, and committed employees with their sole devotion to their company’s success.
Engaged employees who like their job role but cannot commit to the organization due to internal reasons.
Finance-driven employees who work because they have to and are neither engaged nor committed to their organization.
Disengaged and untrustworthy employees who tend to pollute the positive atmosphere with no respect for their work and company.
What is Employee Engagement and Why is it Important?
Employee Engagement - Definition
Employee engagement is an organization’s characteristic property that reflects an employee’s emotional involvement in their everyday work. It shows how valued an employee feels at their workplace while performing their duties and even going the extra mile for the organization. It is a metric for employees’ dedication, hard work, and commitment towards an organization’s mission and success without hampering their physical and mental health.
In terms of approach, employee engagement refers to a methodology which shapes an organization’s environment and work culture as such that it brings out the best of the employees’ capabilities and potential. Why - because 80% of employees are disengaged due to dissatisfaction in their relationships with the direct managers.
Is Employee Engagement Important?
70% of engaged employees clearly understand how to address customer needs. As Simon Sinek says, “When people are financially invested, they want a return. When people are emotionally invested, they want to contribute.” He clearly explains that when employees do whatever they do with their hearts out, they do it effectively and in sync with the organization’s goals.
Engagement of employees is important. Why? It increases employee productivity and retention, customer satisfaction, company’s profitability, and most importantly, it decreases absenteeism, one of the major traits of a disengaged/unhappy employee.
What are the Benefits of an Employee Engagement Survey?
Using a staff engagement survey, engagement can be measured with a few clicks. Yes, you can create interactive surveys for your employees using the best employee engagement software to determine their level of engagement with the organization. Here are some other benefits of using engagement surveys for your company.
Understand the ins and outs of your employees
With employee engagement surveys, you will know your employees better. Many times, when managers or colleagues are reluctant enough to cooperate with the employee, there’s a very little chance that the employee opens up. In other instances, employees refuse to follow their seniors. Engagement surveys can help you identify both sides of the coin and understand the root cause of the problem.
Use the question templates provided by GoSurvey, the best employee survey application, to choose the right set of questions for your employees. In addition, the conditional display feature helps you to set conditions for a question depending on the response to the previous question. This way, you can go in depth of the problem, if any.
Identify employee loyalty levels in your organization
Measurement of employee engagement using surveys can help you determine whether your employees are willing to work long-term with you or they are looking for alternatives. You can identify the employees devoted to the success of your company and are happy to stay in the organization, 81% of employees tend to leave the company if they have an alternate better option.
You can add a NPS (Net Promoter Score) question in your survey using GoSurvey’s interface to ask your employees if they are willing to contribute long-term to the organization. For more specific details about your employees, you can select from 35 question types to make your survey more interactive and informative.
Determine the scope of improvement in your services
Often an organization fails to meet the demands of its employees only because of unawareness about their necessities, inability to extract their true potential, and zero knowledge about their strengths. A Staff engagement survey will help you understand the needs of your employees, their capabilities specific to the roles offered, and the areas which you can work on to enhance their productivity.
GoSurvey is a custom employee survey application that helps you create personalized surveys for every employee. You can categorize your employees into specific groups and create a common survey to address their likes/dislikes. Prepare different sets of questions for each group and assign one group each to your survey managers. This way, you can organize all the responses according to their priorities.
Create actionable employee engagement strategies
When you know what your employees are upto, what problems they are facing, what is motivating them, what is the driving force behind their engagement/disengagement, you can craft actionable strategies to improve or sustain the current engagement status. Surveys give you clear insights into the big picture. With employee engagement survey results, you can quickly plan the next step.
The analytics and reports offered by GoSurvey gives a quick sneak-peek into your employees’ work life. Whether your employees will contribute to the company’s success or you need to spend more time and resources in bettering your work culture - you will know it in a matter of seconds with GoSurvey. The reports generated are easy to interpret and draw patterns.
Increase your sales and revenue
Having engagement plans for employees in place is the most significant step to an organization’s growth. Disengaged employees can make a company lose $450-550 billion each year. Survey results help you in drawing a roadmap to your company’s success. When employees are happy they enjoy their work; when they enjoy their work they do it more effectively. Consequently, you start receiving a substantial cash flow for your company.
GoSurvey helps you to understand how to interpret employee engagement survey results in the right way. Using the correct format for generating reports, you can quickly figure out the engagement trends in your organization. Based on these reports, you can forecast the future strategies to improve employee engagement in your company.
Types of Employee Engagement Survey Questions
There’s no perfect question for an engagement survey that measures how valued your employees feel in the organization and how happy they are to work with you in the long run. But, you can frame your questions based on the following categories.
How do they feel with their managers?
Among the most asked questions, assessing managerial relationships is paramount. Your staff engagement survey must ask your employees:
- Whether you receive constructive feedback from your managers?
- Is your supervisor open to your thought process?
- Do you feel the evaluation process at the workplace is fair?
- Are you appreciated for your efforts?
What is their relationship with their co-workers?
A healthy coworking environment is necessary for smooth functioning of an organization. You can determine this by asking:
- Do you love working with your team?
- Are they open to your suggestions?
- Does your team encourage you to participate in challenges and complete them?
- What position your team holds in your success?
Are they maintaining a healthy work-life balance?
An employee with a busy schedule may or may not concentrate on their health, eventually turning off from the company. You should keep an eye on it before time. Ask your employees:
- Are you experiencing a healthy work-life balance in your company?
- Are you comfortable with the amount of work allotted to you daily?
- Is there any unwelcomed misery in your personal/professional life due to your workload?
- Is your family happy with the time you spend with them after work?
What do they think about their growth in the organization?
A questionnaire on employee engagement must address concerns related to an employee’s career growth in an organization. Include these questions in your survey:
- Do you think your career growth is positive in your organization?
- Are you given enough opportunities to outgrow your knowledge in terms of new technologies?
- Does your direct manager or supervisor seem interested in your progress?
- Do you think their feedback can help you excel at your work?
Are they fairly judged in the organization?
Fair evaluation is a crucial aspect of workforce engagement. If your employees feel partiality or favoritism is a part of your organization, they will soon be disconnected. You can check this by asking:
- Do you feel professionalism being practiced in the organization while communicating with peers and your seniors?
- Is leadership in your organization justified?
- Can you sense favoritism in your company?
- Did you ever feel your manager is taking your credits to benefit their own position?
Do they appreciate rewards and recognition offered by the organization?
Determining feedback on incentivization is yet another important step in measurement of employee engagement. 69% of employees work harder if appreciated well. Include these questions in your survey:
- Do you think your salary aligns with the amount of work you do in the organization?
- Are you recognized for your unmatched contribution to the company’s success?
- Do you feel valued by your managers when you achieve your milestones with flying colors?
- Do you receive bonuses for excellent performances delivering throughout the year?
Are they able to stand for wrong without any hesitation?
Absenteeism and low productivity are major consequences of employees feeling unsafe or undermined in an organization. Check if they can report any of such cases openly by asking questions like:
- Can you observe diversity and inclusion at your workplace?
- Are your seniors open to listening to your fears and discomforts?
- Can you report cases of wrong behavior by your seniors/colleagues (if any) without any fear of getting fired or being shamed?
- Do you think the management at both top and middle levels of the company is transparent?
Ask open-ended questions to receive an unprompted feedback
Sometimes, you employees may face problems that you can’t think of easily. The best way to address them is to ask directly without any conditions. Let them open up about what they feel about your company as a whole. You can ask them:
- What is the one thing that you like the most about your organization?
- If you want us to improve our company’s culture, what do you think should be the basis of it?
Employee Engagement Surveys Best Practices - How to create an Effective Survey?
Follow a five step process to create interactive, ENGAGING, and realistic engagement surveys for your employees.
Identify the need for conducting a workforce engagement survey
Engagement surveys should be conducted frequently in your company. But they must hold a clearly defined purpose at every iteration. Be it your employee performance or company’s revenue that is pushing you to take a survey.
Make sure your employees feel valued while taking the survey
Importance of engaged employees in your company must be reflected in your survey questions. Your employees should feel they are an asset for the company and their feedback matters for its effective growth. Prepare your questions wisely.
Keep your questions short, simple, and on point
Ask direct questions. Don’t be too cheesy or too vague either. You need an honest answer because their feedback is responsible for the productive future of your company. Long, boring questions may remain unanswered or incomplete.
Focus on your employees’ problems rather than the company’s
Even if your major concern is to improve your company’s overall performance, don’t reflect this in your engagement surveys. Let your employees feel you are concerned about their career and growth because then they will give honest feedback.
Use GoSurvey to create your questionnaire
With the best tools for employee engagement at your disposal, GoSurvey helps you create the most effective employee engagement surveys. Combining features like response-based notifications, professional templates, real-time reports, and much more, you can get the most out of your surveys.

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